Privacy Policy

1. An overview of data protection

General information

The fol­low­ing inform­a­tion will provide you with an easy to nav­ig­ate over­view of what will happen with your per­son­al data when you visit this website. The term “per­son­al data” com­prises all data that can be used to per­son­ally identi­fy you. For detailed inform­a­tion about the subject matter of data pro­tec­tion, please consult our Data Pro­tec­tion Declar­a­tion, which we have included beneath this copy.

Data recording on this website

Who is the respons­ible party for the record­ing of data on this website (i.e., the “con­trol­ler”)?
The data on this website is pro­cessed by the oper­at­or of the website, whose contact inform­a­tion is avail­able under section “Inform­a­tion about the respons­ible party (referred to as the “con­trol­ler” in the GDPR)” in this Privacy Policy.

How do we record your data?
We collect your data as a result of your sharing of your data with us. This may, for instance be inform­a­tion you enter into our contact form.

Other data shall be recor­ded by our IT systems auto­mat­ic­ally or after you consent to its record­ing during your website visit. This data com­prises primar­ily tech­nic­al inform­a­tion (e.g., web browser, oper­at­ing system, or time the site was accessed). This inform­a­tion is recor­ded auto­mat­ic­ally when you access this website.

What are the pur­poses we use your data for?
A portion of the inform­a­tion is gen­er­ated to guar­an­tee the error free pro­vi­sion of the website. Other data may be used to analyze your user pat­terns.

What rights do you have as far as your inform­a­tion is con­cerned?
You have the right to receive inform­a­tion about the source, recip­i­ents, and pur­poses of your archived per­son­al data at any time without having to pay a fee for such dis­clos­ures. You also have the right to demand that your data are rec­ti­fied or erad­ic­ated. If you have con­sen­ted to data pro­cessing, you have the option to revoke this consent at any time, which shall affect all future data pro­cessing. Moreover, you have the right to demand that the pro­cessing of your data be restric­ted under certain cir­cum­stances. Fur­ther­more, you have the right to log a com­plaint with the com­pet­ent super­vising agency.

Please do not hes­it­ate to contact us at any time if you have ques­tions about this or any other data pro­tec­tion related issues.

Ana­lys­is tools and tools provided by third parties
There is a pos­sib­il­ity that your brows­ing pat­terns will be stat­ist­ic­ally ana­lyzed when your visit this website. Such ana­lyses are per­formed primar­ily with what we refer to as ana­lys­is pro­grams.

For detailed inform­a­tion about these ana­lys­is pro­grams please consult our Data Pro­tec­tion Declar­a­tion below.

2. Hosting

We are hosting the content of our website at the fol­low­ing pro­vider:

Externes Hosting

This website is hosted extern­ally. Per­son­al data col­lec­ted on this website are stored on the servers of the host. These may include, but are not limited to, IP addresses, contact requests, metadata and com­mu­nic­a­tions, con­tract inform­a­tion, contact inform­a­tion, names, web page access, and other data gen­er­ated through a web site.

The extern­al hosting serves the purpose of ful­filling the con­tract with our poten­tial and exist­ing cus­tom­ers (Art. 6(1)(b) GDPR) and in the interest of secure, fast, and effi­cient pro­vi­sion of our online ser­vices by a pro­fes­sion­al pro­vider (Art. 6(1)(f) GDPR). If appro­pri­ate consent has been obtained, the pro­cessing is carried out exclus­ively on the basis of Art. 6 (1)(a) GDPR and § 25 (1) TTDSG, insofar the consent includes the storage of cookies or the access to inform­a­tion in the user’s end device (e.g., device fin­ger­print­ing) within the meaning of the TTDSG. This consent can be revoked at any time.

Our host(s) will only process your data to the extent neces­sary to fulfil its per­form­ance oblig­a­tions and to follow our instruc­tions with respect to such data.

We are using the fol­low­ing host(s):

united-domains AG
Gautinger Straße 10
82319 Star­n­berg

Data processing

We have con­cluded a data pro­cessing agree­ment (DPA) for the use of the above-men­tioned service. This is a con­tract man­dated by data privacy laws that guar­an­tees that they process per­son­al data of our website vis­it­ors only based on our instruc­tions and in com­pli­ance with the GDPR.

3. General information and mandatory information

Data protection

The oper­at­ors of this website and its pages take the pro­tec­tion of your per­son­al data very ser­i­ously. Hence, we handle your per­son­al data as con­fid­en­tial inform­a­tion and in com­pli­ance with the stat­utory data pro­tec­tion reg­u­la­tions and this Data Pro­tec­tion Declar­a­tion.

Whenev­er you use this website, a variety of per­son­al inform­a­tion will be col­lec­ted. Per­son­al data com­prises data that can be used to per­son­ally identi­fy you. This Data Pro­tec­tion Declar­a­tion explains which data we collect as well as the pur­poses we use this data for. It also explains how, and for which purpose the inform­a­tion is col­lec­ted.

We here­with advise you that the trans­mis­sion of data via the Inter­net (i.e., through e‑mail com­mu­nic­a­tions) may be prone to secur­ity gaps. It is not pos­sible to com­pletely protect data against third-party access.

Information about the responsible party (referred to as the “controller” in the GDPR)

The data pro­cessing con­trol­ler on this website is:
Hirschmann Car Com­mu­nic­a­tion GmbH
Stut­tgarter Str. 45 – 51
72654 Neck­ar­ten­z­lin­gen

Phone: 07127 / 14–0

The con­trol­ler is the natural person or legal entity that single-handedly or jointly with others makes decisions as to the pur­poses of and resources for the pro­cessing of per­son­al data (e.g., names, e‑mail addresses, etc.).

Storage duration

Unless a more spe­cif­ic storage period has been spe­cified in this privacy policy, your per­son­al data will remain with us until the purpose for which it was col­lec­ted no longer applies. If you assert a jus­ti­fied request for dele­tion or revoke your consent to data pro­cessing, your data will be deleted, unless we have other legally per­miss­ible reasons for storing your per­son­al data (e.g., tax or com­mer­cial law reten­tion periods); in the latter case, the dele­tion will take place after these reasons cease to apply.

General information on the legal basis for the data processing on this website

If you have con­sen­ted to data pro­cessing, we process your per­son­al data on the basis of Art. 6(1)(a) GDPR or Art. 9 (2)(a) GDPR, if special cat­egor­ies of data are pro­cessed accord­ing to Art. 9 (1) DSGVO. In the case of expli­cit consent to the trans­fer of per­son­al data to third coun­tries, the data pro­cessing is also based on Art. 49 (1)(a) GDPR. If you have con­sen­ted to the storage of cookies or to the access to inform­a­tion in your end device (e.g., via device fin­ger­print­ing), the data pro­cessing is addi­tion­ally based on § 25 (1) TTDSG. The consent can be revoked at any time. If your data is required for the ful­fill­ment of a con­tract or for the imple­ment­a­tion of pre-con­trac­tu­al meas­ures, we process your data on the basis of Art. 6(1)(b) GDPR. Fur­ther­more, if your data is required for the ful­fill­ment of a legal oblig­a­tion, we process it on the basis of Art. 6(1)© GDPR. Fur­ther­more, the data pro­cessing may be carried out on the basis of our legit­im­ate interest accord­ing to Art. 6(1)(f) GDPR. Inform­a­tion on the rel­ev­ant legal basis in each indi­vidu­al case is provided in the fol­low­ing para­graphs of this privacy policy.

Designation of a data protection officer

Our extern­al data pro­tec­tion officer will be happy to provide you with inform­a­tion on the subject of data pro­tec­tion under the fol­low­ing contact details:

datens­chutz süd GmbH
Wörth­straße 15
97082 Würzburg

Web: https://​www​.dsn​-group​.de/

If you contact our data pro­tec­tion officer, please also state the respons­ible office named in the Site Notice.

Recipients of personal data

In the scope of our busi­ness activ­it­ies, we cooper­ate with various extern­al parties. In some cases, this also requires the trans­fer of per­son­al data to these extern­al parties. We only dis­close per­son­al data to extern­al parties if this is required as part of the ful­fill­ment of a con­tract, if we are legally oblig­ated to do so (e.g., dis­clos­ure of data to tax author­it­ies), if we have a legit­im­ate interest in the dis­clos­ure pur­su­ant to Art. 6 (1)(f) GDPR, or if another legal basis permits the dis­clos­ure of this data. When using pro­cessors, we only dis­close per­son­al data of our cus­tom­ers on the basis of a valid con­tract on data pro­cessing. In the case of joint pro­cessing, a joint pro­cessing agree­ment is con­cluded.

Revocation of your consent to the processing of data, Art. 7 DSGVO

A wide range of data pro­cessing trans­ac­tions are pos­sible only subject to your express consent. You can also revoke at any time any consent you have already given us. This shall be without pre­ju­dice to the law­ful­ness of any data col­lec­tion that occurred prior to your revoc­a­tion.

Right to object to the collection of data in special cases; right to object to direct advertising (Art. 21 GDPR)



Right to log a complaint with the competent supervisory agency, Art. 77 DSGVO

In the event of viol­a­tions of the GDPR, data sub­jects are entitled to log a com­plaint with a super­vis­ory agency, in par­tic­u­lar in the member state where they usually main­tain their dom­i­cile, place of work or at the place where the alleged viol­a­tion occurred. The right to log a com­plaint is in effect regard­less of any other admin­is­trat­ive or court pro­ceed­ings avail­able as legal recourses.

Right to data portability, Art. 20 DSGVO

You have the right to have data that we process auto­mat­ic­ally on the basis of your consent or in ful­fill­ment of a con­tract handed over to you or to a third party in a common, machine-read­able format. If you should demand the direct trans­fer of the data to another con­trol­ler, this will be done only if it is tech­nic­ally feas­ible.

Information about, rectification and eradication of data, Art.15, 16 und 17 DSGVO

Within the scope of the applic­able stat­utory pro­vi­sions, you have the right to demand inform­a­tion about your archived per­son­al data, their source and recip­i­ents as well as the purpose of the pro­cessing of your data at any time. You may also have a right to have your data rec­ti­fied or erad­ic­ated. If you have ques­tions about this subject matter or any other ques­tions about per­son­al data, please do not hes­it­ate to contact us at any time.

Right to demand processing restrictions, Art. 18 DSGVO

You have the right to demand the impos­i­tion of restric­tions as far as the pro­cessing of your per­son­al data is con­cerned. To do so, you may contact us at any time. The right to demand restric­tion of pro­cessing applies in the fol­low­ing cases:

  • In the event that you should dispute the cor­rect­ness of your data archived by us, we will usually need some time to verify this claim. During the time that this invest­ig­a­tion is ongoing, you have the right to demand that we restrict the pro­cessing of your per­son­al data.
  • If the pro­cessing of your per­son­al data was/is con­duc­ted in an unlaw­ful manner, you have the option to demand the restric­tion of the pro­cessing of your data instead of demand­ing the erad­ic­a­tion of this data.
  • If we do not need your per­son­al data any longer and you need it to exer­cise, defend or claim legal enti­tle­ments, you have the right to demand the restric­tion of the pro­cessing of your per­son­al data instead of its erad­ic­a­tion.
  • If you have raised an objec­tion pur­su­ant to Art. 21(1) GDPR, your rights and our rights will have to be weighed against each other. As long as it has not been determ­ined whose interests prevail, you have the right to demand a restric­tion of the pro­cessing of your per­son­al data.


If you have restric­ted the pro­cessing of your per­son­al data, these data – with the excep­tion of their archiv­ing – may be pro­cessed only subject to your consent or to claim, exer­cise or defend legal enti­tle­ments or to protect the rights of other natural persons or legal entit­ies or for import­ant public interest reasons cited by the European Union or a member state of the EU.

SSL and/or TLS encryption

For secur­ity reasons and to protect the trans­mis­sion of con­fid­en­tial content, such as pur­chase orders or inquir­ies you submit to us as the website oper­at­or, this website uses either an SSL or a TLS encryp­tion program. You can recog­nize an encryp­ted con­nec­tion by check­ing whether the address line of the browser switches from “http://” to “https://” and also by the appear­ance of the lock icon in the browser line.
If the SSL or TLS encryp­tion is activ­ated, data you trans­mit to us cannot be read by third parties.

Rejection of unsolicited e‑mails

We here­with object to the use of contact inform­a­tion pub­lished in con­junc­tion with the man­dat­ory inform­a­tion to be provided in our Site Notice to send us pro­mo­tion­al and inform­a­tion mater­i­al that we have not expressly reques­ted. The oper­at­ors of this website and its pages reserve the express right to take legal action in the event of the unso­li­cited sending of pro­mo­tion­al inform­a­tion, for instance via SPAM mes­sages.

4. Recording of data on this website

a) Cookies

Our web­sites and pages use what the industry refers to as “cookies” Cookies are small data pack­ages that do not cause any damage to your device. They are either stored tem­por­ar­ily for the dur­a­tion of a session (session cookies) or they are per­man­ently archived on your device (per­man­ent cookies). Session cookies are auto­mat­ic­ally deleted once you ter­min­ate your visit. Per­man­ent cookies remain archived on your device until you act­ively delete them, or they are auto­mat­ic­ally erad­ic­ated by your web browser.

Cookies can be issued by us (first-party cookies) or by third-party com­pan­ies (so-called third-party cookies). Third-party cookies enable the integ­ra­tion of certain ser­vices of third-party com­pan­ies into web­sites (e.g., cookies for hand­ling payment ser­vices).

Cookies have a variety of func­tions. Many cookies are tech­nic­ally essen­tial since certain website func­tions would not work in the absence of these cookies (e.g., the shop­ping cart func­tion or the display of videos). Other cookies may be used to analyze user beha­vi­or or for pro­mo­tion­al pur­poses.

Cookies, which are required for the per­form­ance of elec­tron­ic com­mu­nic­a­tion trans­ac­tions, for the pro­vi­sion of certain func­tions you want to use (e.g., for the shop­ping cart func­tion) or those that are neces­sary for the optim­iz­a­tion (required cookies) of the website (e.g., cookies that provide meas­ur­able insights into the web audi­ence), shall be stored on the basis of Art. 6(1)(f) GDPR, unless a dif­fer­ent legal basis is cited. The oper­at­or of the website has a legit­im­ate interest in the storage of required cookies to ensure the tech­nic­ally error-free and optim­ized pro­vi­sion of the oper­at­or’s ser­vices. If your consent to the storage of the cookies and similar recog­ni­tion tech­no­lo­gies has been reques­ted, the pro­cessing occurs exclus­ively on the basis of the consent obtained (Art. 6(1)(a) GDPR and § 25 (1) TTDSG); this consent may be revoked at any time.

You have the option to set up your browser in such a manner that you will be noti­fied any time cookies are placed and to permit the accept­ance of cookies only in spe­cif­ic cases. You may also exclude the accept­ance of cookies in certain cases or in general or activ­ate the delete-func­tion for the auto­mat­ic erad­ic­a­tion of cookies when the browser closes. If cookies are deac­tiv­ated, the func­tions of this website may be limited.

Which cookies and ser­vices are used on this website can be found in this privacy policy.

b) Consent with Borlabs Cookie

Our website uses the Borlabs consent tech­no­logy to obtain your consent to the storage of certain cookies in your browser or for the use of certain tech­no­lo­gies and for their data privacy pro­tec­tion com­pli­ant doc­u­ment­a­tion. The pro­vider of this tech­no­logy is Borlabs GmbH, Rüben­kamp 32, 22305 Hamburg, Germany (here­in­after referred to as Borlabs).

Whenev­er you visit our website, a Borlabs cookie will be stored in your browser, which archives any declar­a­tions or revoc­a­tions of consent you have entered. These data are not shared with the pro­vider of the Borlabs tech­no­logy.

The recor­ded data shall remain archived until you ask us to erad­ic­ate them, delete the Borlabs cookie on your own or the purpose of storing the data no longer exists. This shall be without pre­ju­dice to any reten­tion oblig­a­tions man­dated by law. To review the details of Borlabs’ data pro­cessing policies, please visit

We use the Borlabs cookie consent tech­no­logy to obtain the declar­a­tions of consent man­dated by law for the use of cookies. The legal basis for the use of such cookies is Art. 6(1)© GDPR.

c) Server log files

The pro­vider of this website and its pages auto­mat­ic­ally col­lects and stores inform­a­tion in so-called server log files, which your browser com­mu­nic­ates to us auto­mat­ic­ally. The inform­a­tion com­prises:

  • The type and version of browser used
  • The used oper­at­ing system
  • Refer­rer URL
  • The host­name of the access­ing com­puter
  • The time of the server inquiry
  • The IP address


This data is not merged with other data sources.

This data is recor­ded on the basis of Art. 6(1)(f) GDPR. The oper­at­or of the website has a legit­im­ate interest in the tech­nic­ally error free depic­tion and the optim­iz­a­tion of the oper­at­or’s website. In order to achieve this, server log files must be recor­ded.

d) Contact form

If you submit inquir­ies to us via our contact form, the inform­a­tion provided in the contact form as well as any contact inform­a­tion provided therein will be stored by us in order to handle your inquiry and in the event that we have further ques­tions. We will not share this inform­a­tion without your consent.

The pro­cessing of these data is based on Art. 6(1)(b) GDPR, if your request is related to the exe­cu­tion of a con­tract or if it is neces­sary to carry out pre-con­trac­tu­al meas­ures. In all other cases the pro­cessing is based on our legit­im­ate interest in the effect­ive pro­cessing of the requests addressed to us (Art. 6(1)(f) GDPR) or on your agree­ment (Art. 6(1)(a) GDPR) if this has been reques­ted; the consent can be revoked at any time.

The inform­a­tion you have entered into the contact form shall remain with us until you ask us to erad­ic­ate the data, revoke your consent to the archiv­ing of data or if the purpose for which the inform­a­tion is being archived no longer exists (e.g., after we have con­cluded our response to your inquiry). This shall be without pre­ju­dice to any man­dat­ory legal pro­vi­sions, in par­tic­u­lar reten­tion periods.

With regard to pro­cessing in accord­ance with Art. 6 (1) sen­tence 1 lit. f DSGVO, you have a right of objec­tion at any time under legally defined con­di­tions. To do so, please contact the e‑mail address stated in the Site Notice.

e) Request by e‑mail, telephone, or fax

If you contact us by e‑mail, tele­phone or fax, your request, includ­ing all res­ult­ing per­son­al data (name, request) will be stored and pro­cessed by us for the purpose of pro­cessing your request. We do not pass these data on without your consent.

These data are pro­cessed on the basis of Art. 6(1)(b) GDPR if your inquiry is related to the ful­fill­ment of a con­tract or is required for the per­form­ance of pre-con­trac­tu­al meas­ures. In all other cases, the data are pro­cessed on the basis of our legit­im­ate interest in the effect­ive hand­ling of inquir­ies sub­mit­ted to us (Art. 6(1)(f) GDPR) or on the basis of your consent (Art. 6(1)(a) GDPR) if it has been obtained; the consent can be revoked at any time. With regard to pro­cessing in accord­ance with Art. 6 (1) sen­tence 1 lit. f DSGVO, you have a right of objec­tion at any time under legally defined con­di­tions. To do so, please contact the e‑mail address stated in the Site Notice.

The data sent by you to us via contact requests remain with us until you request us to delete, revoke your consent to the storage or the purpose for the data storage lapses (e.g. after com­ple­tion of your request). Man­dat­ory stat­utory pro­vi­sions — in par­tic­u­lar stat­utory reten­tion periods — remain unaf­fected.

5. Analysis tools and advertising

a) Google Analytics

Google Ana­lyt­ics sets a cookie imme­di­ately when the page is accessed. In our opinion, the Borlabs cookie consent banner is prob­ably set incor­rectly and does not take Google Ana­lyt­ics into account. Google Ana­lyt­ics is not even listed in the cookie notes of the consent banner.

This website uses func­tions of the web ana­lys­is service Google Ana­lyt­ics. The pro­vider of this service is Google Ireland Limited (“Google”), Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland.

Google Ana­lyt­ics enables the website oper­at­or to analyze the beha­vi­or pat­terns of website vis­it­ors. To that end, the website oper­at­or receives a variety of user data, such as pages accessed, time spent on the page, the util­ized oper­at­ing system and the user’s origin. This data is assigned to the respect­ive end device of the user. An assign­ment to a user-ID does not take place.

Fur­ther­more, Google Ana­lyt­ics allows us to record your mouse and scroll move­ments and clicks, among other things. Google Ana­lyt­ics uses various mod­el­ing approaches to augment the col­lec­ted data sets and uses machine learn­ing tech­no­lo­gies in data ana­lys­is.

Google Ana­lyt­ics uses tech­no­lo­gies that make the recog­ni­tion of the user for the purpose of ana­lyz­ing the user beha­vi­or pat­terns (e.g., cookies or device fin­ger­print­ing). The website use inform­a­tion recor­ded by Google is, as a rule trans­ferred to a Google server in the United States, where it is stored.

The use of these ser­vices occurs on the basis of your consent pur­su­ant to Art. 6(1)(a) GDPR and § 25(1) TTDSG. You may revoke your consent at any time.

Data trans­mis­sion to the US is based on the Stand­ard Con­trac­tu­al Clauses (SCC) of the European Com­mis­sion. Details can be found here: https://​privacy​.google​.com/​b​u​s​i​n​e​s​s​e​s​/​c​o​n​t​r​o​l​l​e​r​t​e​r​m​s​/​mccs/.

The company is cer­ti­fied in accord­ance with the “EU-US Data Privacy Frame­work” (DPF). The DPF is an agree­ment between the European Union and the US, which is inten­ded to ensure com­pli­ance with European data pro­tec­tion stand­ards for data pro­cessing in the US. Every company cer­ti­fied under the DPF is obliged to comply with these data pro­tec­tion stand­ards. For more inform­a­tion, please contact the pro­vider under the fol­low­ing link:

Browser plug-in
You can prevent the record­ing and pro­cessing of your data by Google by down­load­ing and installing the browser plugin avail­able under the fol­low­ing link:

For more inform­a­tion about the hand­ling of user data by Google Ana­lyt­ics, please consult Google’s Data Privacy Declar­a­tion at:

b) Contract data processing

We have executed a con­tract data pro­cessing agree­ment with Google and are imple­ment­ing the strin­gent pro­vi­sions of the German data pro­tec­tion agen­cies to the fullest when using Google Ana­lyt­ics.

6. Plug-ins and Tools

a) Adobe Fonts

In order to ensure the uniform depic­tion of certain fonts, this website uses fonts called Adobe Fonts provided by Adobe Systems Incor­por­ated, 345 Park Avenue, San Jose, CA 95110–2704, USA (Adobe).

When you access pages of this website, your browser will auto­mat­ic­ally load the required fonts dir­ectly from the Adobe site to be able to display them cor­rectly on your device. As a result, your browser will estab­lish a con­nec­tion with Adobe’s servers in the United States. Hence, Adobe learns that your IP address was used to access this website. Accord­ing to the inform­a­tion provided by Adobe, no cookies will be stored in con­junc­tion with the pro­vi­sion of the fonts.

Data are stored and ana­lyzed on the basis of Art. 6(1)(f) GDPR. The website oper­at­or has a legit­im­ate interest in a uniform present­a­tion of the font on the oper­at­or’s website. If appro­pri­ate consent has been obtained, the pro­cessing is carried out exclus­ively on the basis of Art. 6(1)(a) GDPR and § 25 (1) TTDSG, insofar the consent includes the storage of cookies or the access to inform­a­tion in the user’s end device (e.g., device fin­ger­print­ing) within the meaning of the TTDSG. This consent can be revoked at any time.

Data trans­mis­sion to the US is based on the Stand­ard Con­trac­tu­al Clauses (SCC) of the European Com­mis­sion. Details can be found here:

For more inform­a­tion about Adobe Fonts, please read the policies under:

Adobe’s Data Privacy Declar­a­tion may be reviewed under:

The company is cer­ti­fied in accord­ance with the “EU-US Data Privacy Frame­work” (DPF). The DPF is an agree­ment between the European Union and the US, which is inten­ded to ensure com­pli­ance with European data pro­tec­tion stand­ards for data pro­cessing in the US. Every company cer­ti­fied under the DPF is obliged to comply with these data pro­tec­tion stand­ards. For more inform­a­tion, please contact the pro­vider under the fol­low­ing link:

b) Google Maps

This website uses the mapping service Google Maps. The pro­vider is Google Ireland Limited (“Google”), Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland.

To enable the use of the Google Maps fea­tures, your IP address must be stored. As a rule, this inform­a­tion is trans­ferred to one of Google’s servers in the United States, where it is archived. The oper­at­or of this website has no control over the data trans­fer. In case Google Maps has been activ­ated, Google has the option to use Google Fonts for the purpose of the uniform depic­tion of fonts. When you access Google Maps, your browser will load the required web fonts into your browser cache, to cor­rectly display text and fonts.

We use Google Maps to present our online content in an appeal­ing manner and to make the loc­a­tions dis­closed on our website easy to find. This con­sti­tutes a legit­im­ate interest as defined in Art. 6(1)(f) GDPR. If appro­pri­ate consent has been obtained, the pro­cessing is carried out exclus­ively on the basis of Art. 6(1)(a) GDPR and § 25 (1) TTDSG, insofar the consent includes the storage of cookies or the access to inform­a­tion in the user’s end device (e.g., device fin­ger­print­ing) within the meaning of the TTDSG. This consent can be revoked at any time.

Data trans­mis­sion to the US is based on the Stand­ard Con­trac­tu­al Clauses (SCC) of the European Com­mis­sion. Details can be found here:
https://​privacy​.google​.com/​b​u​s​i​n​e​s​s​e​s​/​g​d​p​r​c​o​n​t​r​o​l​l​e​r​t​erms/ and https://​privacy​.google​.com/​b​u​s​i​n​e​s​s​e​s​/​g​d​p​r​c​o​n​t​r​o​l​l​e​r​t​e​r​m​s​/​sccs/.

For more inform­a­tion on the hand­ling of user data, please review Google’s Data Privacy Declar­a­tion under:

The company is cer­ti­fied in accord­ance with the “EU-US Data Privacy Frame­work” (DPF). The DPF is an agree­ment between the European Union and the US, which is inten­ded to ensure com­pli­ance with European data pro­tec­tion stand­ards for data pro­cessing in the US. Every company cer­ti­fied under the DPF is obliged to comply with these data pro­tec­tion stand­ards. For more inform­a­tion, please contact the pro­vider under the fol­low­ing link:

c) Ninja Firewall

We have integ­rated Ninja Fire­wall on this website. The pro­vider is Nin­Tech­Net Limited, Unit 1603, 16th Floor, The L. Plaza 367 — 375 Queen’s Road Central Sheung Wan, Hong Kong (here­in­after referred to as “Ninja Fire­wall”.

Ninja Fire­wall pro­tects our website against undesir­able access or mali­cious cyber-attacks. For this purpose, Ninja Fire­wall col­lects IP address, request, refer­rer, and the time of page access. Ninja Fire­wall is installed locally on our servers and does not trans­mit any per­son­al data to the pro­vider of the tool or other third parties.

We have enabled IP anonym­iz­a­tion for Ninja Fire­wall, so that the tool only col­lects the IP address in a shortened form.

The use of Ninja Fire­wall is based on Art. 6(1)(f) GDPR. The website oper­at­or has a legit­im­ate interest in the most effect­ive pro­tec­tion of his website against cyber­at­tacks.

d) Polylang

We use the Poly­lang pro­gramme for the mul­ti­lin­gual­ism of our website. Poly­lang is a product of WP SYNTEX, 28, rue Jean Sebas­tien Bach, 38090 Ville­fon­taine, France. Poly­lang cookies are used exclus­ively to recog­nise and remem­ber the lan­guage used or selec­ted by the user. These cookies remain stored for one year and are then deleted. Further inform­a­tion on data pro­tec­tion com­pli­ance can be found here:

The use of Poly­lang cookies is in our interest as a website oper­at­or to offer our users a con­veni­ent website. The legal basis for this is Art. 6 para. 1 sen­tence 1 lit. f GDPR.

7. Custom Services

Handling applicant data

We offer website vis­it­ors the oppor­tun­ity to submit job applic­a­tions to us (e.g., via e‑mail, via postal ser­vices on by sub­mit­ting the online job applic­a­tion form). Below, we will brief you on the scope, purpose and use of the per­son­al data col­lec­ted from you in con­junc­tion with the applic­a­tion process. We assure you that the col­lec­tion, pro­cessing, and use of your data will occur in com­pli­ance with the applic­able data privacy rights and all other stat­utory pro­vi­sions and that your data will always be treated as strictly con­fid­en­tial.

Scope and purpose of the col­lec­tion of data
If you submit a job applic­a­tion to us, we will process any affil­i­ated per­son­al data (e.g., contact and com­mu­nic­a­tions data, applic­a­tion doc­u­ments, notes taken during job inter­views, etc.), if they are required to make a decision con­cern­ing the estab­lish­ment or an employ­ment rela­tion­ship. The legal grounds for the afore­men­tioned are § 26 BDSG accord­ing to German Law (Nego­ti­ation of an Employ­ment Rela­tion­ship), Art. 6(1)(b) GDPR (General Con­tract Nego­ti­ations) and – provided you have given us your consent – Art. 6(1)(a) GDPR. You may revoke any consent given at any time. Within our company, your per­son­al data will only be shared with indi­vidu­als who are involved in the pro­cessing of your job applic­a­tion.

If your job applic­a­tion should result in your recruit­ment, the data you have sub­mit­ted will be archived on the grounds of § 26 BDSG and Art. 6(1)(b) GDPR for the purpose of imple­ment­ing the employ­ment rela­tion­ship in our data pro­cessing system.

Data Archiv­ing Period
If we are unable to make you a job offer or you reject a job offer or with­draw your applic­a­tion, we reserve the right to retain the data you have sub­mit­ted on the basis of our legit­im­ate interests (Art. 6(1)(f) GDPR) for up to 6 months from the end of the applic­a­tion pro­ced­ure (rejec­tion or with­draw­al of the applic­a­tion). After­wards the data will be deleted, and the phys­ic­al applic­a­tion doc­u­ments will be des­troyed. The storage serves in par­tic­u­lar as evid­ence in the event of a legal dispute. If it is evident that the data will be required after the expiry of the 6‑month period (e.g., due to an impend­ing or pending legal dispute), dele­tion will only take place when the purpose for further storage no longer applies.

Longer storage may also take place if you have given your agree­ment (Article 6(1)(a) GDPR i.V.m. § Section 26 (2) BDSG) or if stat­utory data reten­tion require­ments pre­clude the dele­tion. You can revoke your consent at any time with effect for the future. To do so, please contact the office named in the Site Notice.