Hirschmann Car Communication sends again on its own frequency.

In new col­lab­or­a­tion — innov­a­tion and strength com­bined. Dis­cov­er our website and contact us for more details. Togeth­er with our new parent company USI, we are shaping a suc­cess­ful future!


Breaking Barriers: Hirschmann Car Communication Empowers Mobile Connectivity!

Forging a Path in Global Con­nectiv­ity:
Hirschmann Car Com­mu­nic­a­tion, leading the way in mobile trans­mis­sion and recep­tion solu­tions. Our passion lies in cre­at­ing top-notch anten­nas, tuners, infotain­ment and telemat­ics systems, ensur­ing seam­less com­mu­nic­a­tion, espe­cially within vehicles. Join us on this remark­able journey of staying con­nec­ted, everytime and every­where.

With almost a century of exper­i­ence since our found­ing in 1924, we‘ve mastered various markets, includ­ing Auto­mot­ive, Com­mer­cial Vehicle, Trans­port­a­tion, M2M & Telemat­ics.

Our core com­pet­ency lies in first class trans­mis­sion and recep­tion systems, fueling innov­a­tion with numer­ous patents. Since October 2023, we have been part of USI, a global tech­no­logy leader, and are once again oper­at­ing inde­pend­ently on the market.

Togeth­er, let‘s shape a con­nec­ted future.

Our management team – experience and vision for your goals

We are proud to be part of the USI family and to be able to rely on a global network. Our focus is on strength­en­ing rela­tion­ships with our cus­tom­ers and further devel­op­ing our product port­fo­lio. This is how we over­come current chal­lenges togeth­er and tap into new poten­tial. We rely on con­tinu­ity: our current man­age­ment will remain in place and look forward to an excit­ing, suc­cess­ful future with you!

Dr. Dirk Wendt | General Manager
Working in various func­tions at Hirschmann Car Com­mu­nic­a­tion since 1997. Since 2020, he has been man­aging all busi­ness pro­cesses world­wide as General Manager.

Holger Bis­choff | Dir­ect­or Sales & Cus­tom­er Man­age­ment
Respons­ible for nation­al and inter­na­tion­al sales as well as the man­age­ment of cus­tom­ers world­wide. With the company since 1997.

Thomas Adam | Dir­ect­or Research & Devel­op­ment
With Hirschmann Car Com­mu­nic­a­tion since 1999. Respons­ible for the entire devel­op­ment process of products and systems world­wide.

Steffen Lang | Dir­ect­or Busi­ness Devel­op­ment
Drives busi­ness devel­op­ment, espe­cially the expan­sion of foreign busi­ness.
With Hirschmann Car Com­mu­nic­a­tion since 2014.

& Solutions

Discover our wide range of products, from standard offerings to custom-designed systems, perfectly suited to meet your needs.

Seamless Connectivity!

Unparalleled Performance –
Precision Engineered!

Enjoy excellent reception for radio, TV, and mobile data with flexible solutions, Customized Developments, or standard products.

Our antenna systems meet strict quality stand­ards, deliv­er­ing excep­tion­al per­form­ance for auto­mot­ive and trans­port­a­tion OEMs, the after­mar­ket, and M2M markets. Unmatched con­nectiv­ity, cov­er­ing all fre­quen­cies! Exper­i­ence flaw­less recep­tion for radio, TV, mobile data, and more — thanks to our com­pre­hens­ive cov­er­age of all fre­quency ranges.

Entertainment on the Go

Modern vehicles offer more than just transportation – they provide comfort and entertainment.

Experience top-notch in-vehicle entertainment with crystal-clear sound and razor-sharp image.

Our infotain­ment and tuner systems enable your vehicles to receive live radio, TV, music, and videos via DVB‑T/T‑2 or streamed through LTE/5G or WLAN — even at high speeds. Our tuner systems ensure excel­lent recep­tion of broad­cast ser­vices and mobile digital TV sta­tions, includ­ing AM/FM, DAB, DVB‑T, DVB-T2, and more. Thus, we guar­an­tee seam­less enter­tain­ment for your vehicles.

Elevating Vehicle Connectivity

Experience enhanced vehicle connectivity with our smart devices and integrated antenna systems.

Designed for emerging applications like V2X, ADAS, FOTA, diagnostics, and real-time maps, these systems ensure optimal data flow in vehicles.

Benefit from our extens­ive exper­i­ence in the auto­mot­ive and trans­port­a­tion market, tack­ling the unique chal­lenges faced by auto­mobile and com­mer­cial vehicles manufacturers/OEMs daily, along­side our engin­eers’ wealth of HF expert­ise.
Choose from various design options, com­bin­ing antenna and elec­tron­ics to deliver excel­lent per­form­ance while saving space. Sup­por­ted ser­vices include 5G MIMO, GNSS, SDARS, WLAN/BTLE, RKE and V2X.

Enhancing Efficient Data Transmission

Unlock the full potential of our advanced M2M & Telematics systems.

For streamlined data transmission in fleet management, remote maintenance, and more.

Our com­pre­hens­ive port­fo­lio offers diverse M2M and Telemat­ics solu­tions, avail­able in various designs, includ­ing both stand­ard products and cus­tom­iz­able options. Tailored to meet the needs of B2B clients, we deliver robust antenna systems and com­plete data exchange solu­tions for M2M/IoT and the Trans­port­a­tion and Logist­ics indus­tries. Stay con­nec­ted with our cutting-edge M2M & Telemat­ics solu­tions.

Empower Your Con­nectiv­ity Journey Today.

Reach out for tailored solutions and exceptional support.


Where connections matter!

Leading the way worldwide.

Hirschmann Car Com­mu­nic­a­tion, founded in 1924, stands at the fore­front of trans­mis­sion and recep­tion systems. With a team of 130 engin­eers spe­cial­iz­ing in devel­op­ment, design, meas­ure­ment, and testing, we offer a global pro­duc­tion concept with facil­it­ies in Germany and Hungary, along with stra­tegic part­ner­ships in North America and China.

Our tailored systems and stand­ard products are metic­u­lously crafted from concept to pro­duc­tion, ensur­ing impec­cable quality. We provide com­pre­hens­ive project and process man­age­ment, deliv­er­ing the highest stand­ards in every endeavor.

Your trusted radio-frequency (RF)
development partner:

Design | Development
Testing | Validation | Homologation

Development & Testing

Your high performance Partner for development, design and testing

Hirschmann Car Com­mu­nic­a­tion excels in high-per­form­ance, radio-fre­quency systems for the auto­mot­ive, trans­port­a­tion and various other indus­tries. Our con­sol­id­ated expert­ise covers all aspects of devel­op­ment.

From cap­tur­ing cus­tom­er require­ments to advanced sim­u­la­tions and testing, we deliver precise pro­to­types. Rig­or­ous val­id­a­tion includes signal, soft­ware, envir­on­ment­al and func­tion­al tests, ensur­ing unmatched quality.
Benefit from our cutting-edge test and meas­ure­ment equip­ment.


Global Production to Meet Your Needs:

With flex­ible, world­wide pro­duc­tion con­cepts, we offer con­di­tions tailored to match the market. Hirschmann Car Communication‘s man­u­fac­tur­ing concept is char­ac­ter­ized by flex­ib­il­ity, effi­ciency, and cus­tom­iz­a­tion to indi­vidu­al market demands. From high-end products to simple assembly work, from sample quant­it­ies to series pro­duc­tion — we bring every of your require­ments to life.

Our first-class antenna and infotain­ment systems are cur­rently man­u­fac­tured at our own loc­a­tions: Neck­ar­ten­z­lin­gen, in the high-tech region of Stut­tgart, and Békésc­saba, Hungary. As part of USI, our parent company, we benefit from a vast network of man­u­fac­tur­ing facil­it­ies across Europe, Asia, Amer­icas, and North Africa, ensur­ing swift turnkey ser­vices and excep­tion­al support for our valued clients.

Your benefits at a glance:


Global Production to Meet Your Needs:

With flex­ible, world­wide pro­duc­tion con­cepts, we offer con­di­tions tailored to match the market.
Hirschmann Car Communication‘s man­u­fac­tur­ing concept is char­ac­ter­ized by flex­ib­il­ity, effi­ciency, and cus­tom­iz­a­tion to indi­vidu­al market demands. From high-end products to simple assembly work, from sample quant­it­ies to series pro­duc­tion — we bring every of your require­ment to life.

Our first-class antenna and infotain­ment systems are cur­rently man­u­fac­tured our own loc­a­tions: Neck­ar­ten­z­lin­gen, in the high-tech region of Stut­tgart, and Békésc­saba, Hungary. As part of USI, our parent company, we benefit from a vast network of man­u­fac­tur­ing facil­it­ies across Europe, Asia, Amer­icas, and North Africa, ensur­ing swift turnkey ser­vices and excep­tion­al support for our valued clients.

Your benefits at a glance:


Join our Team at Hirschmann Car Communication

Empowering success through innovative minds and meaningful connections.

We‘re a world-leading spe­cial­ist in mobile com­mu­nic­a­tion trans­mis­sion and recep­tion systems.
We value innov­at­ive minds and those who build mean­ing­ful con­nec­tions.

Be part of our inter­na­tion­al success and con­trib­ute to shaping the future. We offer excit­ing career
oppor­tun­it­ies for spe­cial­ists, exec­ut­ives, uni­ver­sity gradu­ates, stu­dents, and pupils.
Take the next step in your career with us!

Our benefits:
Open vacancies:
Neckartenzlingen | Germany:
Fulda | Germany:
Auburn Hills | USA:
Unlock new oppor­tun­it­ies – Connect with us for detailed inform­a­tion.


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